
"MasterClass produces online classes with ‘renowned personalities in their respective fields.’  Each class has video lessons, exercises, workbooks, and interview sessions with the instructor.  A typical class has about 10–25 video lessons that are two to five hours each.”  

- Wikipedia

I have been sort of obsessed with the concept of MasterClass since I first heard about the platform.  An online annual subscription I started last year allowed me to dive much deeper into what they offer.  I have been through several “classes” now, but one of the ones I particularly enjoyed was how some great storytellers demystified the film-making process.

“Anyone can direct a movie. Let me show you how.”

— Ron Howard

I used to be an information junkie.  I read a lot from a diverse set of categories and seemed to have an above-average ability to retain and reference that information.  At its’ best, it allowed me to live fully into one of my strengths identified by StrengthsFinders: Ideation.  At worst, I was the smart@$$ that no one wanted to play Trivial Pursuit with.

Our work allows me to live pretty fully in the best of that and hopefully, maturity is allowing me to be less of the other.  The value of information started to change for me when I was introduced to a new filter.

In a digital society, unapplied knowledge just adds to the cyclone of information swirling around us at all times.  It is almost as if everyone we need to know is already in our subconscious, but defragging our hard drives and referencing or even sequencing the right stuff is nearly impossible.

We don’t have an accessibility problem; our problem is application.

One of the reasons MasterClass has been so successful is that they have broken down what feels complex into simple, actionable steps with a very practical syllabus to follow.

We heard from many of the South Africans what we often hear from leaders here in the states:  The concepts around building culture, crafting an inspired future, building teams, leadership, accountability, and creating strategic plans are very familiar to almost everyone.  Many leaders have libraries built on these ideas.

But what they told us made us proud and left us feeling like we are maybe creating our own MasterClass.

“You have taken concepts that we are all familiar with but have been unable to execute well in our companies and given us a simple, clear path to realizing all of them.”

I think one of the reasons that the knowledge I held was off-putting to others when I was a less mature man is because I was using that knowledge as a way to feel powerful or valuable.  The only value I find in information now is to share it to help others; when others receive, apply, and better their own lives and enterprise as a result of it.

Hopefully, the comments we are hearing from the leaders we work with confirm that we are hitting that higher bar.


  • Do you know all the things that you should be doing as a leader?

  • Are your life and enterprise in a similar place to where it was a year ago?

  • Have you been unable to execute on all the great things that will help you get to where you want to go?

Maybe you need a MasterClass!



