For Teams

Summit Advisory

  • For many leaders we work with, attending the Owner Journey meeting and sending key team members to our Leader Journey meetings, accomplishes the need and pace of change that is sustainable for their companies. Others desire to move much faster. Our over 100 years of consulting and business leadership allow us to comfortably create customizable solutions for their company and its’ leaders. We help company’s get clear on an aspirational future, help construct the organizational design to serve it, created the meeting governance to insure execution, and met with individual leaders on the team that need support in their growing roles and responsibilities. We would love to have a conversation with you if you have any interest in our Advisory work.

Strategic Planning

  • A curated interactive experience for teams designed to promote high levels of engagement, honesty, transparency, and the solving of real issues facing the organization. In one and two day engagements, teams grow closer, rally around shared ideas and beliefs, craft a clear and inspired vision of the future, and begin to build the plan to get there. Teams leave our events invigorated for the work to be done, more united relationally, strategically, and philosophically. Pre-work sets the stage, the retreat gets them aligned, and the followup we provide makes sure the work gets done.

Interactive Workshops

  • We used to pride ourselves on the quality of the workshops we presented. We were praised for the levels of engagement we created, our attention to detail, the use of powerful media, and ability to make measurable progress with a team in a single workshop. A branding strategist we worked with said we didn’t offer great workshops, we offered “curated transformational experiences”. We start with the issue at hand, the desired deliverable from the experience, help you select the right attendees, and then highly curate a unique experience to achieve your objectives. We have dozens of topics and experiences to draw from to fit almost any situation.

  • "The biggest issue we were facing as a company was a lack of clarity. I didn’t know where we were going or how to get there. I also knew were were too dependent on one client, and we had to change that. Since I roped up with SummitTrek, all of those issues have been addressed, and my company is operating at a level of clarity I didn’t even know was possible. I can see where we’re going. I’ve got so many different tools in my belt now that I didn’t have before. We have new departments, position agreements, a hiring process, and an on-boarding process. We’re clear on our values, purpose, and vision and we know what our goals are and the next steps to take in order to accomplish them.”

    Jason Casey, Strategic Planning

  • ”The SummitTrek Workshops I attended really allowed me to shift my perspective and approach to how I look at and react to a number of situations. They also forced me out of my bubble and allowed me to meet peers I wouldn't generally engage with in my daily role. Its made walking through the office and seeing those familiar faces exciting. Like "Hey! we're on the same team!”

    Katie, Workshop Attendee

  • ”These workshops created a safe space to consider what I have to offer and what I need to improve on as a leader. I resonated with the materials and lessons covered, the inclusivity, the schedule of the course and everything else we did. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to grow both internally as a person and externally as a leader! ”

    Mia, Workshop Attendee