
“When you reap the harvest of your land, don’t reap the corners of your field or gather the gleanings. Leave them for the poor and the foreigners. I am God, your God.”

- Leviticus

After an exploratory trip to South Africa in the Fall, we agreed to conduct a virtual Executive Board meeting to determine the viability of launching additional groups in the new year.  A dozen or so of the 60 leaders we worked with in the Fall met with us over Zoom for four months beginning in March.

The experience, their commitment, enthusiasm, and encouragement to plant similarly in the other five continents we are not on has exceeded our wildest expectations. 

They have been so kind. 

So generous. 

So effusive.

We paused to catch our breath, get their feedback, and talk about the right paths forward.  They divided themselves into teams and are working on go-forward strategies and ideas for first, second, and third Africas.  Our next call will feature their presentations of their plans/ideas.  I am so stoked to gather with them again and hear their plans!

As each of them provided responses to their experiences, it felt other-worldly.  Their words were steeped in confirmation and evidence that seemed to come straight from the Father’s heart for us.  It was very emotional for our team to receive the debt of the Father’s love and support through what they were saying.

I could provide pages of the notes we took and the transcriptions we captured from the recorded Zoom call.  But several registered particularly deep.  

“I love in old testament scripture, people were commanded to sow in squares but reap in circles, leaving the outskirts for those who don’t have.  And I feel like that is what you have for us.  You have sown in a square, but you’ve reaped financially only in a circle.  And we’ve been the beneficiaries of that extra.”

— Trevor

In summary, he added this.

“You are giving Christian business people, not only handles to be far more effective, but you are giving us a vehicle to invite more people to see the church being relevant.  And I keep getting this picture of Jesus…he took the Kingdom into the marketplace, he didn’t leave it in the temple.  And I think what you and the SummitTrek team are doing is taking the Kingdom to the marketplace.”

And, of course, this is not really about us but is wildly confirming of what God wanted to do with us, through us.  Through sound business principles, organizational, and leadership development.  

Our purpose is:

Restoring leaders and organizations to their original intended purpose through coaching.

Restoring them to an intended glory.

To be the coheirs of the kingdom.

Part of his Kingdom at hand.

To be the generative governors of this world.

To become something particular and glorious that reflects some portion of the divine’s glory that nothing else can.

He has been maturing and refining what he would have us offer to leaders and organizations.  

For such a time as this.  

For such a place as that one.

And apparently, many places beyond.

I used to think of crop circles as hoaxes perpetrated by farmers to encouraged those with some pretty wacky ideas about space and visitors from beyond.  Now, when I think of crop circles, I think of South Africa with a big smile on my face and tear in my eye.


  • Where are you sowing?

  • What portion are you reaping?

  • Who is getting the extra?

  • What role were you and your organization created to play in God’s Kingdom?



