We're never gonna go if we don't go now
You're never gonna know if you don't find out
You're never going back, never turning around
You're never gonna go if don't go now
You're never gonna grow if you don't grow now
You're never gonna know if you don't find out
You're never going back, never turning around
You're never gonna go if you don't go now
- “Go Now" from Sing Street, by Adam Levine
We spend a lot of time trying to convince people that restoration is available to them. The company you've always wanted, can be yours. The life you were once inspired to find, is still available.
Getting clarity on the future you desire,
creating a clear plan to get there,
and believing that your hope can become a reality...
...can almost make them an inevitability.
We are curators of an incredible set of tools to help leaders and their companies find the same. Once they step onto the roadmap we have available for both, everything shifts from possibility to probability.
In order to carry the level of conviction we need to convince others of that probability, we rest on three pillars:
First, we have to hold tightly to a very strong Biblical worldview. We have to believe that the promises of God and the restoration of all things aren't just good ideas, but our spiritual heritage and our right.
Secondly, we rest in the proof of so many stories of changed lives and restored companies. If there isn’t evidence to support your convictions about the things you are doing, you are largely living in delusion and fantasy.
And finally, we are students of redemptive stories. We source the biblical narrative, great books, history, and even the restoration we find in almost every great movie.
You know that every great movie is sourcing its’ story from ours, right?
There is only one great story, and it is ours. Almost every book, story or movie you’ve ever loved is essentially sourcing the great story of our rescue and restoration that the gospel holds. And like anything else, the subjective fixation that emerges when you focus has us finding it everywhere. Even in the most unlikely of places.
The movie Sing Street is about…
Brokenness and restoration.
Hopelessness and great hope.
Coming of age and overcoming.
Damage and healing.
It is an Irish film that is one part a John Hughes film, one part High School Musical, and another part Sandlot.
In a world full of fear, disappointment, and tragedy - we all need to drink a little more from the fountain of life, joy, and the hope that restoration brings. We have never more desperately needed that than in these most desperate of times.
Okay, Sing Street is a little gritty and I wouldn’t have the little ones in the room for the showing, but agreeing with the hope of restoration is essential fuel for leadership toward organizational change. When it comes to hope, you had better be full of it with a tapped out reserve tank as well. The times are challenging and that vector is tilting straight up.
Watching the culminating scene of this movie with the song quoted above playing, makes me want to “go” as well.
It makes me want to launch out all on God.
It makes me want to head for higher ground.
It makes me want to risk more.
And encourage others to join me.
It helps give me the necessary fuel to help inspire others to find the same.
Where are you stuck?
What destination do you need to chart a course toward?
What journey do you know that you need to go on?
Are you surrounding your life with the biblical narrative, redemptive experiences, and even great movies that offer the prospect of restoration? (Hint…it is in most of the movies you love. We’ve had a lot of people chiding us for a list of good ones. Look for that soon!)