
Clear Channel -

noun, Radio.

1.  a radio broadcast channel cleared for long-distance broadcasting during nighttime hours.

2.  a broadcast channel free of undesirable interference.

When my bride goes out of town every summer to “hold babies” for young teen moms attending YoungLives camp, I host DadCamp.  It is way less structured or probably less fun than you might be imagining, but I do try to plan some fun things for us to do.

This year we went to a really nice drive-in movie theatre in New Braunfels, TX.  Three screens each offering a double feature, 365 days of the year.  Not as good an idea in the Summer due to the heat, long days, and really late starting time for a double feature, but pretty fun nonetheless.

It had been quite a while since I had seen a drive-in movie.  Things have really changed.  Most notably in terms of sound and picture quality.  The sound is actually channeled through dedicated FM stations, so the quality was equal to the sound system in my Jeep.

I guess that shouldn’t have surprised me, but I was half expecting the static confusion of the ordering system in a drive-through fast food line to be our sound for the evening.  Great sound through a clear FM channel really changed the experience of the movie.

I was thinking about that experience when a client and I were remarking about all the powerful things that happened out of our last one-on-one meeting.  The idea that came to me as we discussed was one of clear channels.

It is always powerful to sit down with someone who...

  • Knows you

  • Cares for you

  • Wants the best for you

  • You trust

  • Will say the difficult things to you that no one else will say

  • Will keep you accountable

...But when the channels are open, reception gets taken to a whole other level.

When they are open and ready to receive from God.  When you are setting aside your own agenda and motive to do the same.  When both of you are sitting in a posture of humility, open to what the Father might be offering and inspiring in that conversation, it is truly magical.

Conversations go deeper, further, and faster.  They elevate to all kinds of glorious places.  The Father’s heart, intentions, clarity, and truth, overwhelm anything else on our agenda.  Clarity abounds.  Ground gets taken.  New inspiration in found in abundance.

It is really, really good.

I am learning that clear channels are best found when I can get myself out of the way.  Posture my heart to receive and then just go wherever we are led.  Increasingly, the people I meet with on a regular basis are learning to do the same.

This is not something that happens with me naturally, I actually go through a similar process before every one-on-one conversation to prepare.  Let me know if you are interested.  I would love to share that with you.

  • Do you regularly meet with a friend, mentor or coach?

  • Are you getting overwhelmed by what is happening in those meetings?

  • Do you need to change the way you are preparing to meet or maybe the person you are meeting with?  (the right conversation, with the right person, with the preparation, will change your life)



