
“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.  He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.  Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.”

- A Psalm of the Lord

In the circles I run in, we often use the phrase “Aslan is on the move." That is an obvious allusion to the Chronicles of Narnia series where the lion, Aslan, is a clear God and Christ figure.  


Most people understand that expression, but one time when I was telling a guy about our house church and how “Alsan was on the move” there, he actually interpreted that Aslan was the name of our church.  Every time I saw him after that, he asked me how “Aslan” (meaning, our church) was doing.  


Well, we’ve been using that saying a lot lately.  


Aslan IS on the move.


The kinds of conversations we are having with our tribe and the stuff that is happening at their companies, doesn’t make any sense other than the fact that is God is at work and moving.  But, I am also reminded of that great saying from Augustan:


“Without Him we cannot, but without us He will not.”


Aslan is on the move because some really intentional leaders are partnering with him and answering the bell for the next round of their leadership journey.  It is really fun and humbling to watch.  I am inspired by virtually ever interaction.  Their courage and strength gives me fuel and momentum for the journey.


While we have regularly scheduled meeting with our team later on in the week, we do a Monday morning phone huddle to start every week.  The purpose of the huddle is to WRECK:


  • Worship - verse, lyric, prayer, story, etc to center us in God

  • Remind - purpose, values, & the why behind what we do

  • Encourage - encourage one another for the work ahead that week

  • Calendar review - make sure we are all on the same page in regard to meetings that week

  • Know - check-in on how is everyone doing coming out of the weekend


I was preparing for our weekly call this morning and the image of a welder came to me as I was reviewing some client correspondence ahead of the call.  A person, mask down, torch in hand, playing with fire and molten metal…cutting through metal when it needs to be cut and reconnecting things that are broken/separate that need to be joined together.


Healing and Restoration.


We love metaphors and visual reminders.  I had to resist ordering pairs of leather welding gloves that reached to our elbows for all of our team.  Increasingly, we are partnering with a growing tribe of very intentional leaders, bringing clarity and freedom from their captivity, and restoring the broken places to how they were originally intended.


Healing and Restoration.



  • How clear and free are you feeling?  Do you feel trapped?

  • How much of what you hoped for and knew needed to change at the start of the year, has actually changed in the 2/3 of the year we are through?

  • Are you ready (I mean, really serious, right now) to actually strap on some welder’s gloves and get started on the healing and restoration of your life and business?

  • Are you just running with the wrong tribe?  (We have a few spots available for a new one launching in January.  Let us know if you are interested in a conversation.)



